Thursday, August 23, 2012

Work in Progress...

Pinterest is my downfall.  It gives me too many ideas which inevitably wakes me from sleep with the need to reproduce the idea.  Seriously, I have permanent indention on my hand from cutting endless laminated sheets of paper.

Decorating my classroom at the beginning of the school year is one of the top ten things I love to do in life.  I try to come up with the perfect set up...a mix of home with the school.  Here are some pictures of it at the moment.  I still have a few things left to do. I'm about 80% done.  I probably should stay away from Pinterest so the amount can get smaller instead of greater.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I'm obsessed with binders.  I have a binder for almost everything.  I have a binder for each unit of each subject I teach.  I think I'm going to add colored paper behind the drawer front to really make it pop.

Phase 2 of Room Setup

And so it begins...

I usually place my wardrobe near the side entrance (it goes to my neighboring teacher's class) and have the library behind it.  This year I decided to move it to the front of the classroom.  One of the bookshelves is double sided.  The side facing the sink I put my science materials for the current unit, so my science managers can get the materials to the groups.  The shelf facing forward is holding student magazine holders where they can store their folders and textbooks.  I don't want a lot in their desks.  The second picture from the top hold all the student materials and manipulatives.  I will take closer pictures so you can see.  The top picture is my wardrobe that is extra storage.  I decided to put it in the corner to have more floor space, but I have used the sides in the past as extra "bulletin boards."  Beside it I put the drawer carts that I store reading group materials and my plans and materials for each subject.

Room Setup

 I love this time of year!  It reminds me of impending motherhood.  You are so excited about your new baby and getting everything ready for him/her, but you are also a bit anxious.  You want them to enjoy their time with you and be ready to learn.  The ambiance of the space sets the tone for learning.  Every year I try to change the furniture around, yet maintain my classroom management.  From the pictures above you can see the general layout of the room.  Now I will show you the process I use to set up the room for an effective use of the space as well as having the room setup allow the students to be independent learners.  Hence...they know where everything goes.